Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Epistemological Position And A Qualitative Research Design

The approach of this study will take the epistemological position and a qualitative research design. Humphries (2008) asserts that qualitative research focusses on the subjective and recognises that the researcher will affect the data that is produced and therefore the outcome of the research. Denzin Lincoln (2005:3) state that â€Å"Qualitative researchers study things in their natural settings attempting to make sense of, or to interpret, phenomena in terms of the meanings people bring to them†. Quantitative research on the other hand, claims to be objective, removing the researcher’s views and values from the study. While traditionally quantitative data has been deemed to produce more reliable or valid data, it does not suffice to capture the complexities of the human experience as it assumes a positivist epistemology. This research has taken a narrative methodolgy as this approach recognises that realities are socially constructed, and that human actions and agency are contingent on socio cultural, political and historical influences (Gill and Goodson, 2011). Using in depth semi structured interviews will ensure that trans-people have the best opportunity to express their story and impart the information that they feel is important to them. A structured interview approach would endanger the research in that the questions would have to be chosen prior to data collection and therefore could reflect assumptions the researcher had made and as the information shared isShow MoreRelatedThe Social Construction Of Experience1437 Words   |  6 PagesIn particular, qualitative researchers tend to focus more on the social-constructed reality and the contextual influence, interaction and constraints between the researcher(s) and the participants. They are interested in finding answers to questions that focus on the â€Å"social construction of experience and how meaning is created† (Cooper White, 2012, p. 15). However, quantitative researchers â€Å"emphasize measurement and analysis, and focus on product rather than process† (Cooper White, 2012, p.Read MoreMy Experience With Parenting And Home Schooling1642 Words   |  7 Pageslearning about qualitative research method and design, engaging participants through a research interviewing and obtaining information about the participants’ live experiences and transcribing the data (Caswell, 2007).To interview the participant, I formulated the research problem; what is your experience with parenting and home schooling. I generated research open-ended research interview questions for a one and one interview with the participant. 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For most qualitative studies, it appears that there are two major issues with sampling, (1) sampling the entire population (e.g., only two people contracted a rare disease in the world and the study is conducted only with those two individuals), or (2) taking a sample of the population from which to make generalizationsRead MoreWhat Does Ontological Position Influence Mixed Methods Research?1456 Words   |  6 Pagespaper is to reflect upon a methodological approach towards in what extent does ontological position influence mixed methods research which involves both collecting and analyzing the combination of quantitative and qualitative data. This reflection will begin with defining the ontological position, then why this app roach influence mixed method research and followed by a conclusion. Defining ontological position The term ontology is derived from the Greek word, with â€Å"onto† meaning â€Å"being†, and â€Å"logos†Read MoreWhat Is The Generic Qualitative Approach? Essay1266 Words   |  6 Pagesis the ‘generic qualitative approach’? There are various research methodologies in qualitative research. However researches sometimes do not find one particular methodology to fit the all types of research. When researches face this kind of challenging situation, they tend to accept ‘generic qualitative approach’. Generic qualitative approach is not guided by an explicit and set of philosophic assumptions in the form of one established qualitative method. Generic qualitative method is sub dividedRead MoreResearch Methodological Approaches1108 Words   |  5 PagesResearch Methodological Approaches Introduction This essay have discussed about the main methodological approaches and the definition and explanation of the main philosophical terms, as well as mentioned about which philosophical approach will be use in the research project for next year. Business Research Ontology ‘A theory concerning the nature of social phenomena as entities that are to be admitted to a know ledge system’ (Saunders, 2007: 605). The word ‘ontology’ seems to generateRead MoreEpistemology and Its Influences929 Words   |  4 Pagesepistemology influences the formulation of a management research problem, it is necessary to define the term epistemology and clarify some of the varying epistemological stances. In doing so, the reader will be able to understand the myriad different variations of epistemological viewpoints, each of which shape the direction of research and the sort of problem that research attempts to identify. Management research builds on the long tradition of research in the social sciences (Somekh and Lewin, 2005).Read MoreDefinition, Consistency And Neutrality Must Be Addressed?976 Words   |  4 Pagesinquiry into human condition is executed. There are some critiques of qualitative research namely reliability/dependability, generalization/transferability, flexibility, time consuming, objectivity/confirmability, credibility/believability, and sampling/variables. The criticism of qualitative studies inability to generalize their findings to the population is not valid. Williams et al., (2004) asserts that the goal of qualitative research is that one of interpretation, describing individuals’ definitions

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